Employees in the UK typically get a minimum of a 25-day annual leave. In normal industries, that is. In investment banking, 25 is a pure accounting entry. Taking holidays is...
Besides business-as-usual interrupted by random activities I have already described (https://anjci.com/monkey-business-random-stuff-i-did-a-2/ and https://anjci.com/monkey-business-random-stuff-i-did-a/), my investment banking existence was defined by a number of important routines. It was perhaps that pressure...
This post is a direct continuation of https://anjci.com/monkey-business-random-stuff-i-did-a-2/. Unfortunately, some truly grotesque experiences I had as an investment banker seem to have sunk very deep in my memory and refuse...
Investment banking wasn’t all glamour, responsible tasks, business class flights, challenge, et al. Below are just a handful of outright mind-numbing tasks I performed to justify the fat bonus in...
Somehow I was never too good at befriending the cool people of investment banking. Many of my colleagues were jumping over their heads to hold the serving tray at lunches...
This post will be a nice continuation to that dodgy Athenian interview experience described in the previous one. The beginning of 2009 saw me seriously disappointed with job opportunities so...
It was a crazy idea from the start. Here I was in mid 2008 – a 24-year-old female; two years of full-time investment banking experience and a handful of internships;...
I have been hearing this question continuously over the last few weeks. Formulated in numerous different ways, it basically reflects general public curiosity about how my life really has changed...
Part 1: This Lufthansa flight is taking me further and further away from Helsinki. It is actually a St Petersburg flight to London via Frankfurt, though the previous option envisaged...